Photos on Welcome Page
First Frame
1. Prairie View School, near Weldon, IL, 1943
Hazel Wene, teacher, in back left.
Left Column, front to back: Charles Baker, Wayne (Buddy) Clow, Anne Carr, Bob Carr, Jane Odaffer
Center Column, front to back: Jack Carr, Sharon Carr, Phares Odaffer, Darrell Brittin
Right Column, front to back: Ronnie Clow, Dorothy Carr, Pete Carr, Charles Hammil, Phil Whiteside
2. Lemuel, Lea, and Clara Odaffer
These siblings were from the Minnesota branch – Descendants of Joseph Odaffer, brother of Edmon Odaffer, son of David Odaffer.
3. Ray Odaffer, and son Phares Odaffer
This photo is circa 1944. Note the favorite 1936 Plymouth in the background. Around this time my dad and I were running a trap line along the dredge ditch near our house.
4. Ray Odaffer
My father, probably taken when he was in his 20s.
Second Frame
1. Amanda Kinser Odaffer
My great great grandmother, near the end of her life. Her husband for many years was my great great grandfather, David Odaffer.
2. Joe Odaffer, Alice Odaffer Wingler, Bill Odaffer, Ollie McBride Odaffer
Joe, Alice, and Bill were siblings of my grandfather, Edmon. Bill lived near Weldon, IL, Alice lived near Jacksonville, IL, and Joe ended up in Minnesota.
3. Census record of Henry and David Odaffer
This is the 1950 Census Record of my Great Great Grandfather Henry Odaffer, my Great Grandfather David Odaffer, and David’s sister Nancy when they lived together in Clear Creek Township, OH.
4. Edmon Odaffer family
This photo, circa, 1942, is of my father, his parents, and his sisters. May, to his left, was his twin.
Third Frame
1. John (Johann Wolfgang) Odaffer possessions list
A partial list of John Odaffer’s (Johann Wolfgang’s) personal property upon death,
March 3, 1816.
2. Grandpa Edmon Odaffer and Grandma Mattie
This photo is circa 1893. When my grandfather was older, he dressed up in his suit everyday to go downtown Weldon, IL, and sit on a bench with other elders.
3. Ura Dell And Bill Odaffer
Ura Dell and Bill Odaffer, wedding picture, 1900. Bill was my grandfather Edmon’s brother. He lived Southeast of Weldon, IL, most of his life.
4. Odaffer Farmhouse
After my grandfather’s family lived in this farmhouse for many years, my father lived here with his family. I grew up here. If you look closely, you can see several chickens in the yard, and my bike on the porch. It was quite a farmhouse, but pretty cold upstairs in the winter.
Row of Photos (middle of the page)
1. German Church Book
This book, found in the Odoerfer family Lutheran Church in Rasch, Germany, contained names of several Odoerfers. The courtyard contained Odoerfer graves.
2. Grave of Henry Odaffer
Grave of Henry Odaffer, my great grandfather David’s brother, and his wife Martha, Tarleton Cemetery, Tarleton, OH. Henry was Henry Odoerfer’s son, and Johann Wolfgang’s grandson.
3. Blue and Scarlet Skeleton
Photo of Hessian soldiers, showing uniforms similar to what Johann Wolfgang Odoerfer wore when he fought with the British in the Revolutionary War.