A Blue and Scarlet Skeleton
By Phares G. O’Daffer
October, 2009 | ©2009 O’Daffer Publications
This historical novel is based on the life of an actual person, my great-great-great grandfather, Johann Wolfgang Odoerfer. The general facts of his life, and the sequence of the story are true as presented. However, some license has been taken with the details that involve his personality, his friends, and some of the less central events and connections.
Fortunately, several Hessian soldiers have written diaries about their experiences in the Revolutionary War. Johann Conrad Dohla and Johann Prectal were with the Ansbach-Bayrueth Regiments, and their diaries, translated and edited by Bruce E. Burgoyne, have been an invaluable source. They have given me a much greater insight into what my great-great-great grandfather went through during the Revolutionary war.
I wanted to tell my ancestor’s story, and to convey the essence of what might have been his life experience. The historical novel venue has enabled me to do that. I hope the resulting story, “A Blue and Scarlet Skeleton,” will find it’s way into your heart as a credible saga of this man’s life.
Note: This is a preliminary version of this book, which is currently in the process of being revised.